Due to the deteriorating economic conditions in the state, Oakland University is making it a top priority to help students afford an OU
You Can Afford This.
Here's How.
education. After reviewing the concerns of students and their families, the university is responding to the needs of the community with additional gift aid that allows us to:
Substantially increase OU scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen.
Offer new scholarships to incoming freshmen and transfers.
Eliminate the need for loans for incoming freshmen who demonstrate financial need.
Extend emergency funds to students who unexpectedly suffer a serious economic change during the semester.
Please download the flier at the right to learn more about Oakland's special education stimulus offerings and to see if you qualify for assistance.
We also encourage you to contact OU's Financial Aid office immediately at 120 North Foundation Hall for walk-in advising. Or call (248) 370-2550 or e-mail finaid@oakland.edu to see if you qualify for special assistance or other forms of aid.
An OU education is the best investment you can make – and now, it’s within reach. Here, you will attend a doctoral/research university without the cost of one and without any fees. In fact, OU is the only public university in Michigan that doesn’t charge fees.
Receiving a quality college education is essential to finding success in today's marketplace, and Oakland University is committed to using all the resources it has available to help students earn their degrees.
Created by Kelly Smith (smith236@oakland.edu) on Thursday, April 9, 2009 Modified by Kelly Smith (smith236@oakland.edu) on Thursday, April 9, 2009 Article Start Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009