To: Council of Presidents
Cc: Council on Academic Affairs Council on Research Council on Governmental Affairs Council on Strategic Communications Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Prosperity
From: Peter McPherson and Hunter Rawlings
Date: March 27, 2015
Re: Recommendations to Presidents and Chancellors from APLU and AAU Technology
Dear Presidents and Chancellors:
This past fall, APLU and the Association of American Universities (AAU) each convened groups of our members to examine university policy around innovation, technology transfer, and commercialization, as well as the purposes of university engagement in these activities. President Satish Tripathi of the University at Buffalo and Sethuraman (Panch) Panchanathan, Senior Vice President for Knowledge Enterprise Development at Arizona State University led the APLU Task Force on Managing University Intellectual Property. President Bob Brown of Boston University and President Eric Kaler of the University of Minnesota led the AAU Working Group on Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property.
The groups were both charged with affirming principles to guide our member institutions’ management of intellectual property. Both groups also developed recommendations for steps that institutions can take to ensure that institutional policies and practices align with these principles, and that they are readily transparent to the public, policymakers, and potential university partners. APLU’s recommendations can be viewed here and AAU’s can be viewed here.
There is significant overlap between the principles and recommendations the two groups have outlined. Our two associations support and stand firmly behind them. Following is a summary of the principles and recommendations contained in the two documents:
For those member universities that have not already done so, we recommend that they take specific actions to protect and preserve these principles. Additionally, we urge you to review the attached recommendations and engage others on your campuses in discussions concerning steps that your institutions might take to implement them.
APLU and AAU will continue to support efforts related to these recommendations. APLU’s task force will collect examples of innovative and effective practices in university intellectual property management and will disseminate those examples later this year. AAU will take steps to identify measures and methodologies for evaluating the effectiveness of technology transfer beyond revenue generation. Both associations will discuss the recommendations at upcoming meetings of our presidents and provosts.
Thank you for your attention to these principles and recommendations. We both welcome any responses you might wish to provide us. All of your institutions are fundamental to the nation’s innovation ecosystem. Our collective attention to the public purposes of our intellectual property management and technology transfer will help us maintain that critical role.
Peter McPherson President, APLU
1307 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005-4722 202.478.6040 fax 202.478.6046 www.aplu.org |