Oakland University
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

OUWB to host organ and bone marrow donor drive Oct. 6-8

The registration drive kicks off at noon on Monday, Oct. 6 in the Oakland Center Fireside Lounge. During the event, OUWB Founding Dean Robert Folberg, M.D., will attest to the benefits of organ donation, which he experienced after undergoing a corneal transplant at age 19.
The Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine will host a three-day event to support bone marrow and organ donor registration Oct. 6-8. All are invited to register to be a donor with Be The Match and Gift of Life Michigan, organizations dedicated to saving lives through organ and tissue transplants.

“This dual drive will give our campus community, especially students, the opportunity to help others now and in the future by signing up to be on both the bone marrow and organ donor registries,” said Stephanie Swanberg, an assistant professor and OUWB medical librarian who organized this year’s event.

“About 70 percent of patients in need of a bone marrow transplant have to look outside their family; yet, only 2 percent of the population is on the registry, which targets donors between the ages of 18 and 44. By being on the organ donor registry, one person could potentially save up to eight lives and leave a lasting impact for some of the 123,000 people currently waiting for an organ.”

The registration drive kicks off at noon on Monday, Oct. 6 in the Oakland Center Fireside Lounge. During the event, OUWB Founding Dean Robert Folberg, M.D., will attest to the benefits of organ donation, which he experienced after undergoing a corneal transplant at age 19. The procedure restored vision in his left eye and sparked his interest in the field of ophthalmology. The event will also feature Craig Bowman, a bone marrow recipient, who will discuss his battle to overcome leukemia. Bowman is a professor at Rochester College and is married to OUWB staffer Patti Bowman.

“For the bone marrow registry, we will collect a sample of cells by swabbing the inside of the cheek. The sample is used to compare, and ideally match up, specific protein markers with patients who need a bone marrow transplant,” Swanberg explained. “Registering to be an organ donor, on the other hand, is a simple two-step online process with a valid Michigan driver’s license. Those who are not Michigan residents or who do not have a driver’s license may sign up using their address and birthdate.”

Registration will take place at table stations set up in the main hallway of the Oakland Center. Dates and times are as follows: 

The registration drive is hosted with support from the OUWB Student National Medical Association, OU Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students, OUWB Medical Library and OUWB Diversity and Inclusion.

The OUWB Medical Library has hosted an annual organ donor drive since 2012 as part of Michigan Libraries for Life, a statewide initiative to increase organ donation awareness in collegiate, special and public libraries throughout the state. 

For details about the donor registries, visit bethematch.org and giftoflifemichigan.org.

All are invited to register to be a donor with Be The Match and Gift of Life Michigan. The drive kicks off at noon on Monday, Oct. 6 in the Oakland Center Fireside Lounge.

Created by Eric Reikowski (esreikow@oakland.edu) on Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Modified by Colleen Campbell (cjcampbell@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Article Start Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2014