Oakland University
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 2014 Newsletter: Client Company Spotlight: Ka-Ching!

Ka-Ching! LLC is developing Pythia, a disruptive training system that will audibly stream step-by-step directions to a mobile-headset audio device, with completion-time reports for each step. Pythia uses a patent-pending interface between voice response, text-to-speech, and Wi-Fi technologies to link custom databases to the device.

Products will include Pythia @ GYM to deliver workout steps, Pythia @ WORK to deliver steps to any consistent work process, Pythia @ HOME to deliver recipes and do-it-yourself (DIY) steps, and Pythia @ REHAB, designed to help low IQ individuals hold real jobs and become self-sufficient.

The return on investment for educators and students alike is profound, as Pythia provides coaching and performance support on skills learned in training classes. Back in the work environment, putting these new skills to use is streamlined for employees, as Pythia provides the practice they need to master tasks. For tasks with too many steps to remember, Pythia works as an audible ‘cheat sheet.’

Bill joined the Mac-OU INCubator in July and has been delighted with all the help he has received from Mike, Wayne, and the entire team. “I’m a training and technical person; there’s no way I could develop Pythia on my own and I’m so grateful for the incubator!” Bill said.

For more information, visit kachingco.com or contact Bill Crose at info@kachingco.com or (248) 808-0111.


Ka-Ching! LLC is developing Pythia, a disruptive training system that will audibly stream step-by-step directions to a mobile-headset audio device, with completion-time reports for each step. Pythia uses a patent-pending interface between voice response, text-to-speech, and Wi-Fi technologies to link custom databases to the device.

Products will include Pythia @ GYM to deliver workout steps, Pythia @ WORK to deliver steps to any consistent work process, Pythia @ HOME to deliver recipes and do-it-yourself (DIY) steps, and Pythia @ REHAB, designed to help low IQ individuals hold real jobs and become self-sufficient.

Created by Joan Carleton (jfcarlet@oakland.edu) on Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Modified by Joan Carleton (jfcarlet@oakland.edu) on Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Article Start Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014