Oakland University
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Living Little...” lecture to offer insight on dwarfism

The Oakland University community is invited to attend “Living Little in an Average World,” a lecture focusing on dwarfism, from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30, in the Oakland Center Gold Rooms.

The event, hosted by the School of Nursing Dean’s Circle, will include a lecture and a question and answer session with representatives from the Little People of America (LPA) association.

“Many of us don’t come into contact with dwarfs on a regular basis. It’s beneficial to accept some insights into worlds beyond our own,” said Pam Marin, assistant dean of the school of nursing. “Having this kind of discussion makes understanding the challenges others face easier.”

One in 10,000 people are born with dwarfism, a medical condition resulting in short stature. A dwarf is classified by having an adult height of four feet ten inches or less. There are more than 200 distinct classifications of dwarfism.

School of Nursing Academic Advising officers think discussing the condition will be beneficial to all students, especially those studying nursing, medicine, health sciences, physical therapy or psychology.

“Nursing students really get only one lecture in their academic career about dwarfisim – this lecture will expand on that,” said Kristina Aaron, an academic advisor in the School of Nursing.

“If the students come into contact with a dwarf in a clinical setting, they’ll be conscious of some of the issues and challenges that person may face.”

The lecture will address a variety of topics, including the causes and medical conditions associated with dwarfism and the challenges of growing up and living as a little person.

“I think tolerance and inclusion start with awareness and education. We’re hoping this lecture will spark a discussion,” said Heidi Donnelly, coordinator of the SON advising.

“Living Little in an Average World,” is free and members of the Oakland University community can register here. To learn more about dwarfism, visit the Little People of America’s website.

For additional information about the lecture, contact Heidi Donnelly at (248) 364-8739 or donnelly@oakland.edu.
The Oakland University community is invited to attend “Living Little in an Average World,” a lecture about dwarfisim, on Wednesday, Oct. 30.

Created by David Groves (groves@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Modified by David Groves (groves@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Article Start Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2013