Oakland University
Monday, April 29, 2013

Event Review: International Academy

Each year, OU INC hosts an outreach event for
the International Academy (IA), which is a
local charter school.

The school offers a program referred to as the
Careers in Applied Science group that utilizes this
event to get students involved in green
energy education.

The IA group came to visit OU INC this past February. 
Chris Kobus, the Director of Engineering and
Energy Education at OU INC and OU professor,
organizes the event and leads its activities.
"International Academy is a highly sought
charter that always has more applicants than
they have spots for. Therefore they have to goto a
lottery system. But even to get on the list students
have to show exemplary potential," Kobus said.
"The IA visit was created to introduce the IA students
in their early high school years to STEM careers and what
OU School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) has to offer."

Created by Sarah Blanchette (scblanch@oakland.edu) on Monday, April 29, 2013
Modified by Sarah Blanchette (scblanch@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Article Start Date: Monday, April 29, 2013