Oakland University is home to diverse group of dedicated and renowned faculty who bring real-world research and expertise to the classroom. Each year, the university honors and celebrates academic excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service with the annual Faculty Recognition Luncheon.
The luncheon is traditionally held on Founder’s Day, which honors the memory of university benefactors Alfred and Matilda Dodge Wilson and celebrates the university’s founding in 1957.
“This recognition of the outstanding work that Oakland University faculty perform is one of the most important activities of the university,” said Dr. Susan Awbrey, Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.
“It is through the work of our knowledgeable and dedicated faculty that our students succeed, research goals are met, we serve the needs of our communities, and Oakland University’s reputation grows in distinction. Congratulations to all being honored.”
This year’s event will take place at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 16, in the Oakland Center Banquet Rooms.
Andrei Slavin |
2013 Distinguished Professor
Andrei Slavin, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Andrei Slavin’s ground-breaking research, outstanding productivity, pre-eminence in scholarship and commitment to mentoring students has brought distinction to Oakland University and merit the rank of Distinguished Professor. He has five publications with more than 100 citations each.
Dr. Slavin’s research focuses on a growing field of physics called “spintronics,” an emerging technology based on the intrinsic spin of the electron and its magnetic moment. In particular, he studies nonlinear excitations in magnetic films called spin waves, which have potential applications in microwave signal processing.
One hallmark of Dr. Slavin’s success in supporting his research is his ability to find a variety of funding sources. he has been awarded more than $1 million from the Department of Defense, including grants from the Army Research office; U.S. Army Tank, Automotive Research, Development, and engineering center (TARDEC); and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Read more about Dr. Slavin in the
News at OU story.
The 2013 honorees include (Honorees are listed in alphabetical order by name within each unit):
College of Arts and Sciences
Kevin Andrews, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
Area of Recognition: Service
Jennifer Vonk, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Area of Recognition: Research
Cody Vanderkaay, MFA
Assistant Professor of Art
Area of Recognition: Research and Service
Edward Haworth Hoeppner, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Area of Recognition: Research/Creative Endeavor
Paul Kubicek, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science
Area of Recognition: Service
David Garfinkle, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Area of Recognition: Research
Elizabeth (Beth) Talbert, M.A.
Special Instructor of Communication
Area of Recognition: Teaching and Service
Dana Driscoll, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Rhetoric
Area of Recognition: Scholarship
Garry Gilbert, M.A.
Adjunct Instructor of Journalism
Area of Recognition: Service
Michael Mitchell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Music
Area of Recognition: Scholarship
Eye Research Institute
Kenneth Mitton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Area of Recognition: Research
School of Business Administration
Austin Murphy, Ph.D.
Professor of Finance
Area of Recognition: Research
Gene Fliedner, D.B.A.
Associate Professor of Production and Operations Management
Area of Recognition: Research
John Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing
Area of Recognition: Service
School of Education and Human Services
C. Suzanne Klein, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Area of Recognition: Service
S. Rebecca Leigh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Area of Recognition: Teaching
Michael Macdonald, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Education
Area of Recognition: Research
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Dae-Kyoo Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Engineering
Area of Recognition: Research
Christian Wagner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Engineering
Area of Recognition: Service and Teaching
School of Health Sciences
Tamara Hew, D.P.M., Ph.D., FACSM
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
Area of Recognition: Research
School of Nursing
Barbara Penprase, Ph.D., RN
Crittenton Endowed Associate Professor of Nursing
Area of Recognition: Teaching and Research
School of Medicine
David Bloom, M.D.
Associate Professor, Radiology and Pediatrics
Area of Recognition: Teaching and Service
2013 Excellence Award Winners
Each year, the Oakland University Senate Teaching and Learning Committee and the University Research Committee honor faculty members whose teaching and research efforts have achieved singular praise or recognition. These individuals receive the Teaching Excellence Award, Research Excellence Award, New Investigator Research Excellence Award or Excellence in Teaching Award for their work. Recipients are chosen based on nominations submitted by Oakland students, faculty and staff, student letters of recommendation, and materials provided by the nominee.
Excellence in Teaching Award
MARK S. Doman, J.D.
Special Instructor of Education
Human Resource Development
Teaching Excellence Award
Barbara Oakley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research Excellence Award
Hoda Abdel-Aty Zohdy
Professor of Engineering
School of Engineering and Computer Science
New Investigator Research Excellence Award
Libin Rong, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Oakland University is a vibrant academic community with nearly 20,000 students and more than 260 degree and certificate programs. To learn more about academics, achievements, and events at OU, visit the news site at oakland.edu/newsatou and follow the news team on Twitter at @OaklandU_News.