Oakland University
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New campus traffic routes to accommodate building construction

Construction of the new Engineering Center immediately north of parking lot P-36 will begin shortly after the new year arrives. In anticipation of this, university administrators are announcing traffic, parking and other logistical arrangements that will be put in place to accommodate the work.

Following the end of fall 2012 finals on Friday, Dec. 14, a construction fence will be set running south from Kresge Library to the northern portion of lot P-36. From there it will run east nearly to Elliott Hall, then north along the Elliott Hall walkway, and finally west back to Kresge Library. A pedestrian walkway will be marked along the southern fence line of the construction zone.

To improve traffic flow for both campus commuters and construction vehicles, the Library Drive entrance to lot P-38 will be closed at times. In its place, new, one-way entrance and exit lanes will be built from Meadow Brook Road to the northwestern corner of P-38. Pedestrian access from P-38 to Dodge Hall, Kresge Library and Elliott Hall will be preserved.

University planners and public safety officers will do their utmost to minimize disruption and inconvenience to the campus community during the construction process, but ask that commuters on the southern end of campus exercise patience and understanding as well.

Construction of the new Engineering Center immediately north of parking lot P-36 will begin shortly, traffic, parking and other logistical arrangements that will be put in place to accommodate the work.

Created by Katherine Land - Deleted (land@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Modified by Katherine Land - Deleted (land@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Article Start Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2012