Oakland University
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Music Prep Student Profile: Gary Moore

Gary Moore, associate dean of the School of Nursing at Oakland University, decided to augment a busy professional life with lessons from the Music Preparatory Division in order to reconnect with a musical background in his past.

Though obviously successful as a professional educator himself, the Detroit resident finds that piano lessons and performance provide him another avenue to exercise his creativity and find a sense of personal fulfillment.

Like other students in MPD programs, Moore has been grateful for skilled, supportive and inspirational instruction from highly accomplished instructors – in this case, Music Prep director and piano instructor Bibianne Yu.

"She pushes me to ever higher levels of achievement," he said.

Moore says that he plans to use the skills and understanding he has gained in piano performance for the rest of his life, whether that takes place in solitude or in the company of family and friends.

He added that he would definitely recommend that anyone interested in music study learn more about Music Prep, "because I have received so much that is rewarding and fulfilling from my experiences."

Created by David Groves (groves@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Modified by David Groves (groves@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Article Start Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2012