Oakland University
Friday, March 9, 2012

Integrating Beekeeping Across the Curriculum

Considering a “veducation”? Take a vacation from your summer routine and get an education in apiary science. Beekeeping has been practiced for thousands of years. Recently it is making its way back to urban and suburban settings and even into school programs. The number of Educational Apiaries is increasing with careful preparation and proper outfitting for those teaching and learning. If you are a teacher of any grade level or of any subject, “Integrating Beekeeping Across the Curriculum” will teach you the science of Apis mellifera and the culture of beekeeping that will allow you to establish an educational apiary at your school or nature center. This course is an immersion experience with no less than 900 minutes of practice in the apiary and 9 full days of classroom exploration. This course takes place at the CMU Biological Station on Beaver Island located in northern Lake Michigan. Experience a truly unique setting while increasing your knowledge and skill level. Novice to experienced teacher-beekeepers say that this course changed their lives and the way they approach all of their teaching. To find out more program info click on the following: http://www.oakland.edu/apiaryscienceinschools/ or contact Dr. Dyanne M. Tracy, professor and chair, Department of Teacher Development and Educational Studies, at 485A Pawley Hall, Oakland University, Rochester MI 48309-4401; e-mail: dtracy@oakland.edu; phone: (248) 370-3064 or 2613; fax: (248) 370-2639.
Considering a “veducation”? Take a vacation from your summer routine and get an education in apiary science. This course will allow you to establish an educational apiary at your school or nature center.

Created by Michelle Irvine (mlirvine@oakland.edu) on Friday, March 9, 2012
Modified by Kristen Pierce (kdpierce@oakland.edu) on Thursday, May 24, 2012
Article Start Date: Friday, March 9, 2012