By Dave Groves, staff writer
Dr. Richard Dawkins
Dr. Richard Dawkins, the renowned evolutionary biologist and self-proclaimed “passionate skeptic” on matters of God and religion, will make a highly anticipated appearance at Oakland University on Thursday, Oct. 13.
His visit – one of only six university stops on his current tour – will include a public lecture focusing on the release of his 11th book, “The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True.” Dr. Dawkins also will host a two-hour, informal discussion with students and attend a number of private engagements with scholars and other admirers of his work.
Capacity for Dr. Dawkins’ lecture and informal discussion with students has already been exhausted. Event organizers, however, have arranged for a live video-feed to be transmitted to Varner Recital Hall from 1-2:30 p.m. Viewers will not need a ticket to enter, but seating will be limited.
Anyone interested in meeting Dr. Dawkins and having a copy of his new book signed can do so from 3-5 p.m. outside the Oakland Center Banquet rooms. Only those with a copy of his book will be admitted. The book is currently on sale for 40 percent off the cover price at the OU Center for Student Activities service window, located on the lower level of Oakland Center. Book quantities are limited, however.
“(Dr. Dawkins) is probably the most famous biology and science author out there today, and for Oakland to host him is an amazing opportunity,” said Dr. Todd Shackelford, professor and chair of the Department of Psychology.
In organizing Dr. Dawkins’ appearance, Dr. Shackelford and psychology professor Dr. Ranald Hansen have been grateful to receive sponsorship support from nearly 30 university offices, schools, research centers, academic departments and student groups.
“Richard Dawkins is a wonderful advocate for the advancement of science and critical thinking,” Dr. Shackelford added. “The kind of work he is doing and what he is promoting is exactly what the university environment is all about.”
Because Dr. Dawkins is so passionate in his advocacy of science and critical thinking, he has waived his speaking and travel fees for the upcoming visit. Dr. Shackelford said the prominent scholar and author of “The God Delusion” also was inspired by the fact that after being established just a year ago, the campus group Atheists at OU has welcomed more than 200 students and several dozen faculty members.
"I just want to express what an incredible event this is for all students on campus, not just the Atheists at OU,” said Jaimie Wall, a senior majoring in psychology and a member of Oakland’s Evolutionary Psychology Lab.
“It will truly be a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience for everyone that attends. Having Professor Dawkins agree to come to our growing university is truly an honor and will surely impact our campus in a very positive way,” Wall added. Science education is such a vital component to really understanding the world we live in, and his new book really illustrates that beautifully."
Until his retirement in 2008, Dr. Dawkins was the Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford. He is the founder of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, which has branches in both the U.K. and the U.S., and has presented several television documentaries for the BBC and the U.K.’s Channel Four, including “The Blind Watchmaker” and “The Enemies of Reason.”
“The Magic of Reality” marks a new creative endeavor for Dr. Dawkins in that it is the first of his publications designed to appeal to readers of all ages. With illustrator Dave McKean, he looks to bolster his contention that intellectual exploration through science evokes all the imagination and awe of the natural world that myth does, only with explanations founded in observation and logic.