Oakland University
Monday, May 2, 2011

May 12 community networking event focuses on green jobs

Oakland University is joining Lawrence Technological University and Oakland Community College in sponsoring “Jobs Gone Green,” a career networking event for college students and graduates interested in alternative and renewable energy jobs.

The event, set to take place from 3:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 12, will be part of the May 13-15 Green Living Festival in Rochester. Tens of thousands of people eager to learn about green living and wellness are expected to attend.

This high-profile community event will highlight the commitment of hundreds of local businesses, non-profit organizations and government programs to a brighter, greener future. For more information, view the website at MIGLF.com.

The Jobs Gone Green career networking event will be held at the Connections Cafe tent, located on the main festival lot at the northeast corner of Third Street and Water Street, one block east of Main Street in Rochester. Prior to the networking event, a complimentary meal will be served to participating employers.

Alternative and renewable-energy firms interested in participating and individuals seeking additional information should contact the Office of Career Services at Lawrence Technological University, (248) 204-3140 or ltuocs@ltu.edu.

Lawrence Tech, OU and OCC are hosting the networking event on behalf of the Emerging Sectors Education Consortium, which includes Baker College, Henry Ford Community College, Macomb Community College, Oakland County Workforce Development Board, Oakland Schools, Schoolcraft College, St. Clair County Community College and Walsh College.
OU will partner with local universities to sponsor “Jobs Gone Green,” a networking event for college students and graduates interested in alternative and renewable energy jobs.

Created by Katherine Land - Deleted (land@oakland.edu) on Monday, May 2, 2011
Modified by Katherine Land - Deleted (land@oakland.edu) on Monday, May 2, 2011
Article Start Date: Monday, May 2, 2011