By Eric Reikowski, media relations assistant
OUSC candidates from left to right: Eric Sturgis, Shakita Billy - Benjamin Eveslage, Elisa Malile - Tyler Glen, Ryan Rott - Tom Cruz, Brett McIsaac. |
Oakland University students can cast their ballots this March in the Student Congress elections and choose the president, vice president and legislators who will lead the student body during the 2011-2012 academic year.
The presidential ticket includes four candidate pairs; Shakita Billy and Eric Sturgis; Tyler Glen and Ryan Rott; Benjamin Eveslage and Elisa Malile; and Tom Cruz and Bret McIsaac.
Billy and Sturgis
Billy and Sturgis have each served as legislators in the OUSC. Billy has served on the legislative affairs, multicultural affairs and student services committees. In 2010, she was selected as the OU Employee of the Year. Sturgis has served as congressional archivist, club tennis vice president and as treasurer of the OU College Democrats.
The Billy/Sturgis platform includes improving campus parking, lowering prices in the Pioneer Food Court and expanding hours in Kresge Library and the campus recreation center.
Glen and Rott
Glen is a member of the OU Financial Management Association. He and Rott are both members of the OU Honors College and Sigma Pi Fraternity.
The Glen/Rott platform is focused on increasing funding for student organizations to promote student involvement and enhance campus life.
Malile and Eveslage
Malile serves as fundraising chair of Phi Sigma Sigma and is a member of the Albanian-American student organization at OU. Eveslage is the president of International Allies and the OUSC legislative affairs director.
The Malile/Eveslage platform aims to increase the diversity of campus events to provide students with a more well-rounded college experience.
Cruz and McIsaac
Cruz and McIsaac are members of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and both have served on the OUSC legislative and executive boards. Cruz serves as director of multicultural affairs and McIsaac is the student services director.
The Cruz/McIsaac platform spotlights issues such as enhanced campus security and creating a student handbook with a listing of student organizations and campus activities.
In addition to the three presidential/vice presidential choices, there are 29 legislator candidates on the ticket. They are: Jonathan Ajlouny, Louie Alkasmikha, Michelle Alwardt, Rachel Boye, Steve Cox, Jason Dunn, Darrell Boyd, Wesley Gamble, Alexis Halsell, Courtney Herbert, Alejandro Herrera, Natalie Juronoc, Hasan Kaakarli, James Kaminski, Meri Maka, Mark Martin, Nick McCormick, Matthew Parks, Richard Spiegel, Amber Taschereau, Darias Thompson, Lauren Tibbits, Robert Turo, Michele VanFleteren, Lisa Vecchio, Maria Willett and Blake Williams.
The run up to the election also includes two debates. A vice presidential debate will be held from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, March 18, In the Oakland Center Fireside Lounge and a presidential debate is set for noon –to1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23, in the Fireside Lounge.
Voting begins at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, March 28, and wraps up on Wednesday, March 30, at 11:59 p.m. Students can vote online at using their Net ID and password to log in. Election winners will be announced at a gathering in the Oakland Center Pioneer Food Court from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, April 1.
For more information about the elections, contact the OUSC at (248) 370-4290, or view the website at