Oakland University
Monday, December 7, 2009

Alumni Survey Update

Survey Says…

Alumni want to know that the equity of their degree is improving

This September, the OUAA conducted an electronic survey asking alumni to evaluate the alumni association and how it can continue to provide the services most needed by alums. More than 2,000 responses, an 11 percent response rate, were received to the survey from alumni who shared their opinions, experiences, and an interest in their alma mater.  

Listed below are key findings: 

“Bottom line, alumni want to know that the value of their degree is improving and that it will continue to improve over time,” Adrienne Bass, director for Alumni Relations, said. “Degree equity continues to increase as Oakland gains more widespread recognition for its successes.”

“We’re focused on engaging with our alumni throughout their lives and offering support as they progress through various life and career stages,” Karen Coronado, membership director, Alumni Relations added.

“We appreciate the time and feedback that our alumni provided and we value their input. As we plan for the future of the alumni association, this information will guide us in evaluating future alumni programs, communications and benefits.”

A more detailed report of the survey findings can be found online at oualumni.com.





Created by Bris Roberts (berobert@oakland.edu) on Monday, December 7, 2009
Modified by Bris Roberts (berobert@oakland.edu) on Monday, December 7, 2009
Article Start Date: Monday, December 7, 2009