Oakland University
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

MBWP Teacher-Consultants Take a Summer Stroll on WIDE PATHS

by Cornelia Pokrzywa

Meadow Brook Writing Project TCs Rebecca Rivard (’08), Cornelia Pokrzywa (’08), and Shaun Moore (’09) attended the WIDE PATHS conference (Writing in

Cornelia Pokrzywa
Digital Environments: Pedagogies and Theories) on the campus of Michigan State University, August 10-13, 2009.

As one of five National Writing Project “Lead Technology Sites,” Red Cedar Writing Project brought together TCs from various NWP sites to discuss, explore, and experiment with new technologies, pedagogies, theories, and genres in three separate conference strands: 1) collaborative writing, 2) visual studies, and 3) social networks.

Shaun Moore attended the Collaborative Writing strand, facilitated by MSU faculty member David Sheridan and RCWP TC Aram Kabodian. Shaun presented the strand’s end-of-session proceedings in the daily webcast on “Ustream.”  Shaun’s presentation can be viewed at the WIDE PATHS wiki, www.widepaths09.wikispaces.com.

Collaborative Writing strand members conducted wiki research and investigated applications for home contexts (classroom, district or Writing Project site). Shaun will apply his experiences in his first-year composition classroom at Oakland University.

Rebecca Rivard participated in the Social Networks strand, facilitated by RCWP TC Andrea Zellner and guest presenter Bud Hunt. Rebecca incorporates a social network component in her first-year composition classroom at Oakland University and participates in the MBWP Leadership Committee. “I delved into the conceits and constructs of digital writing in social networking environments - approaching them as an ethnographer so as to better understand the writing and the heuristic elements inherent in the most active writing environment of a twenty-first century student,” Rebecca reported.

Cornelia Pokrzywa attended the Visual Studies strand (facilitated by MSU faculty member Danielle DeVoss and RCWP TC Dawn Reed). Group members discussed the theoretical frameworks that inform teaching visual studies and participated in take-away workshops in Digital Storytelling, Photoshop, and various presentation platforms. “This strand positioned visual rhetoric as an essential part of literacy studies,” stated Cornelia, who recently shared with colleagues these conference materials -- including design principle rubrics, digital storytelling directions, and graphic organizers for video projects.

WIDE PATHS invited each NWPM site to send three TCs or co-directors to attend the WIDE PATHS conference in 2010.  Stay tuned for more information.

Cornelia is a 2008 Summer Institute Fellow and member of the MBWP Technology Team. She is also a Special Lecturer in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at Oakland University, specializing in teaching first-year, technology-intensive, writing classes.

Created by Lori Ostergaard (ostergaa@oakland.edu) on Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Modified by Lori Ostergaard (ostergaa@oakland.edu) on Saturday, October 31, 2009
Article Start Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009