Oakland University
Monday, October 19, 2009

Industrial and Systems Engineering program earns ABET accreditation

By Katie Land, news editor

Oakland University has just received a boost of prestige as its Industrial and Systems Engineering program, has become nationally accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

A relatively new program, the Industrial and Systems Engineering major launched officially in 2007. In order to seek accreditation, a program must have at least one graduate, making it rare for a new program to be accredited. This recognition is a major accomplishment, according to Michael Polis, chair of the department. OU's Bachelor of Science programs in computer engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering also received re-accreditation by the ABET.

“It means that students will now look at Oakland and see that it can compete with industrial engineering programs at other universities in Metro Detroit. The accreditation makes it a more attractive program for students,” Polis explained. “When students apply to graduate school or for a job, the first question is always, ‘Did you go to an accredited program?’ Now they will be more marketable in every way.”

The program underwent scrutiny based on an exhaustive list of criteria including the quality of courses, assessment practices, quality of faculty, lab equipment, curriculum and demonstrated continual improvement, Polis said. “They looked at basically everything related to a student’s education.”

Industrial and Systems Engineering courses focus on understanding and applying techniques for work measurement, ergonomics, optimization, facility layout, engineering economic analysis and life cycle processes.

“Having accredited programs is always important to a university,” Polis continued. “It affects the quality of the students and raises the reputation of the school.”

ABET’s system is used by registration, licensure and certification boards to screen applicants and provides universities with a structured mechanism to assess, evaluate and improve the quality of their programs. This accreditation will remain in place until the next general review scheduled for fall 2014.

To learn more about OU’s Industrial and Systems Engineering program, visit the Web site oakland.edu/secs/ISEdept.  

OU's undergraduate Industrial and Systems Engineering programs have become nationally accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

Created by Katherine Land - Deleted (land@oakland.edu) on Monday, October 19, 2009
Modified by Katherine Land - Deleted (land@oakland.edu) on Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Article Start Date: Monday, October 19, 2009