Oakland University
Friday, September 11, 2009

Alumni sisters found their dream jobs as veterinarians

By Katie Land, news editor

OU alumni and sisters Kristin Donovan and Michelle Meyer have both become successful veterinarians.
Success comes in twos for sisters Michelle Meyer and Kristin Donovan. Both women graduated from Oakland University with biology degrees, both found their way into exclusive veterinary school programs and both have found their dream jobs as veterinarians.

Michelle was a senior when Kristin entered Oakland as a freshman. Attending college together gave them a chance to share experiences and keep each other on their toes. It also placed Michelle in the position of a mentor.

“I felt like I could give her advice based on my experiences and did my best to help her if she needed it,” Michelle said. “Kristin is a very intelligent person and often did not need my help, but I was there to offer advice on professors, classes to choose from, and to try and get her involved in the campus.”

The sisters were active throughout their college career, running cross country together and forming bonds with professors. “My experience at Oakland was unforgettable. Attending OU was probably the smartest thing I have ever done in life,” Michelle said.

Kristin attended Oakland on a full scholarship and with high expectations. “Michelle was the one that first chose to attend OU, and by witnessing the experience she had with the college, it made my decision to attend OU an easy one.”

With only 28 accredited veterinary colleges in the country and ever-changing acceptance standards, the path to becoming a veterinarian is not an easy one. Michelle graduated from Purdue University's School of Veterinary Medicine in 2007 and Kristin completed Michigan State’s program this spring.

“Veterinary school possesses what I feel is an extremely rigorous curriculum that requires an immense amount of time and dedication,” Kristin said. “The challenge of the courses at Oakland University and the time management skills that I built as a student there prepared me to face the veterinary program that lay ahead at MSU.”

The sisters lost their greatest supporter when their mother passed away in October 2006. She missed Michelle’s graduation and Kristin’s wedding. Her influence helped push the girls to go to OU, to run cross country and to apply to veterinary school.

“My mother and I even went antiquing with one of the biology professors,” Michelle said. “Also, I wish I could fully explain to you the dedication of the professors at OU. Two of the biology professors actually took time out of their day and attended my mother's funeral. I only hope that they realize that that meant the world to me.”

Success comes in twos for sisters with OU biology degrees. They both found their way into exclusive veterinary school programs and both have found their dream jobs as veterinarians.

Created by Katherine Land - Deleted (land@oakland.edu) on Friday, September 11, 2009
Modified by Katherine Land - Deleted (land@oakland.edu) on Monday, September 14, 2009
Article Start Date: Friday, September 11, 2009