Oakland University
Monday, March 2, 2009

OU Educators Create Software to Teach Bioinformatics

A team of educators including Associate Professor Gautam Singh from the School of Engineering and Christine Hansen of the Department of Psychology have developed new software to teach bioinformatics. In their recent paper Component-Based Approach for Educating Students in Bioinformatics published in the February 2009 issue of IEEE Transactions on Education (Volume 52, Pages 1-9), they write
"There is an increasing need for an effective method of teaching bioinformatics. Increased progress and availability of computer-based tools for educating students have led to the implementation of a computer-based system for teaching bioinformatics as described in this paper. Bioinformatics is a recent, hybrid field of study combining elements of biology, statistics, and computer science. This paper describes the implementation of a system called Bioinformatics Foundational Learning Objects Workbench (BioFLOW), that is intended to be used by instructors to educate their students in bioinformatics principles at a variety of grade levels."
A team of educators including Associate Professor Gautam Singh from the School of Engineering and Christine Hansen of the Department of Psychology have developed new software to teach bioinformatics.

Created by Heather Mattiello (heather.mattiello@caretech.com) on Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Modified by Brad Roth (roth@oakland.edu) on Thursday, March 12, 2009
Article Start Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009