Keith Berven’s decades-long record of distinguished service at Oakland University includes serving as a pre-medical student adviser. Berven took on this responsibility 14 years ago and, by working closely with a wide range of students, made it an extremely successful program. The Oakland pre-med program success rate, as measured by student admittance to medical and professional schools, is now 78 percent, surpassing success rates of many of the more established undergraduate programs in and outside of Michigan. The program’s success is in large part because of Berven’s individual, dedicated and devoted care and the main reason for generating great interest and visibility to the department and to Oakland University. To provide students with additional opportunities, Berven worked with physicians at Henry Ford Hospital and William Beaumont Hospitals to initiate a hospital-based research associate program for pre-med students. Berven also serves as a faculty adviser to the active student pre-medical society. The well-documented success of Oakland’s pre-med students was an important factor in the partnership between Oakland University and Beaumont Hospitals to launch a medical school in 2010. Berven supported that effort by serving on the Medical Student Subcommittee and on the screening committee for the founding dean appointment. All of these accomplishments are in addition to his other professional activities that include long-standing, highly prolific research in the area of population biology, and his exemplary classroom and laboratory instruction.